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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

GIORGIO's Calculator

Calculator with virtual paper roll V.1.0

Even if this is mainly a hobbies site I am offering here a tool that might increase your personal productivity for home and office work.

Using it you might save some time to spend on more amusing things, including other games and entertainments put in my site.

On Internet you can find a lot of sites offering calculators, even very sophisticated. But the one I am offering here has the following features:
it is free,
it can be used on line or downloaded to your PC to work unconnected,
it joins its keyboard with a “virtual paper roll” to record all data and operations you make (an important feature to work surely and avoid mistakes).

1 - current operation
2 - current result
3 - next operation
4 - sign change
5 - decimal point
6 - cancel last digit
7 - clear current calculus
8 - clear calculus and paper roll
9 - clear memory
10- add or subtract to memory
11- memory recall
12- current memory value
13- rolling tape showing operations and results
14- decimal digit number (with rounding)


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